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"Abstraktur is a neologism of "abstract" and "structure" and describes my art"



Georgia Ortner has found, in addition to street photography, another artistic means of expression that has dominated for half a decade: Abstract motifs are thereby infused with structure and thus life through an elaborate process of handcrafted creation.


After an extensive selection of a particular abstract photograph, a time-consuming process of editing begins. Here the artist always directs and accompanies her virtual vision of the final work. After completion of this creative work, the artist prints the work on a special canvas, which impresses with its tear resistance and resilience. But only then does the actual artistic process, which takes weeks, begin: Georgia Ortner uses a variety of tools to cut her printed motifs into fine strips, which she then reassembles in a complex weaving process. Once completed, her artworks are presented floating three-dimensionally in handmade, colored frames and backed with a variety of tissue papers.

It is this time-consuming process in particular that gives her works their unique appearance and makes them one-of-a-kind.

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